
서비스 종류

개인정보 수집 및 이용

1. 개인정보 수집 · 이용 목적
㈜와이즈스톤에서 제공하는 서비스의 문의 및 응답을 위한 목적으로 개인 정보를 수집 및 이용합니다.

2. 수집 · 이용할 항목
이름, 회사명, 이메일, 연락처

3. 보유 · 이용 기간
문의 및 상담이 종료될 때까지 이용되며, 이용이 완료된 후 폐기됩니다.

4. 동의를 거부할 권리 및 동의를 거부할 경우의 불이익
귀하는 개인정보의 수집·이용에 대한 동의를 거부할 수 있습니다. 다만, 위 개인정보의 수집·이용에 관한 동의는 서비스 문의 및 상담 등을 위하여 필수적이므로, 위 사항에 동의하셔야만 신청하실 수 있습니다.

[ 무분별한 이메일주소 무단 수집 및 메일 발송을 거부합니다. ]

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Testing Service

All About Software Quality

WISESTONE has a group of professionals who have extensive experience in testing domains such as embedded / communications, mobile / e-commerce / public sector / IoT. We provide our clients with high-quality improvement services customized for their own needs.

WISESTONE provides services that meet clients’ business needs based on its deep understanding of technology, business, and industry.
Our efforts to understand our clients better have become our valuable asset and know-how over time. We have built our premium service on this know-how.

Embedded / Manufacturing / Medical Equipment

The testing embedded SW system, which controls various hardware and device, requires comprehensive approach and efficient strategy. With an abundant experience in embedded testing, WISESTONE provides an innovative and reliable testing solution.

  • Set up verification method and strategy in an embedded environment
  • We carry our verification of function, reliability, standard compliance, and certification in individual phase of development.
  • We verify platform, language compatibility, test release test and regression test.

  • Smart TV Verification
    Signage/Monitor Verification

  • Google TV App Verification

  • Set-top Box Development Quality Verification

  • Hanwha Techwin Network Camera Verification

  • Mobile Solution Verification

Communications / Server / Mobile

WISESTONE has verified functionality and consistency in numerous mobile devices and application. We offer reliable testing service based on the know-hows we gained from our experience in meeting client demands, responding to ever-changing trends, and emerging technologies.

  • We verify open software for functionality, efficiency, compatibility, and reliability.
  • Establish and carry out verification in various environments such as big data/cloud computing
  • We verify device/platform compatibility, function (action), hazard, and reliability (abnormality).
  • Automation tool, server monitoring, technical support

  • SKT T-phone/Yeorum /Cloud App verification
    Device app verification
    Mobile H/W performance verification

  • Google Android Platform verification

  • Multimedia App player verification

  • Mobile solution verification

  • Olleh Mobile TV app verification


WISESTONE helps clients to have quality assurance through the most efficient testing strategy possible under their condition and its implementation.
Our localized testing experience in E-commerce area will provide you with the kind of quality assurance you need to become a successful business in the global market.

  • The development, stage, verification, and operation servers are linked in each testing phase
  • Front office verification, back office/seller office/call center domain testing data generation and change testing
  • Local testing in global market
    - Testing conducted in the OTC (Offshore Testing Center) in China and Vietnam
    - Testing localization through partnership with local companies and establishing local testing environment

  • 11Street Malaysia verification
    11Street mobile platform verification
    11Street offshore operation verification

  • Kolon Benit online central website function verification

  • Cheil Industries online central website function verification

  • Next-generation system verification of Lotte’s online duty free shop

  • ISP/mISP function verification

Public Sector

WISESTONE has conducted consultation and verification for public projects across various sectors.
By diagnosing the status of participating companies, we provide customized quality consultation service to improve quality and achieve project target.

  • Quality assessment and consultation service – establish testing environment and structure for each module and system
    - GS certification and successful release
    - Standard software testing process and deliverable standardization for internal use
    - Structured testing capacity through diverse software testing technique application
    - Project issue tracking system (ITS) adoption and application

  • SW engineering field application project

  • Software quality assessment and consultation service
    (Potable water, disaster relief, aircraft, railway)

  • Gangwon Land system audit testing

IoT Sector

The Internet of Things has gained prevalence in our lives by connecting SW, HW, sensor, and database.
To keep pace with its growth in almost all aspects of our lives, such as health, distribution, and automobile, our team of qualified engineers provides premium IoT verification solution using its clear and smart testing strategy.

  • SKT IOT service verification

  • Google Android Things
    Platform verification



서비스 종류

개인정보 수집 및 이용

1. 개인정보 수집 · 이용 목적
㈜와이즈스톤에서 제공하는 서비스의 문의 및 응답을 위한 목적으로 개인 정보를 수집 및 이용합니다.

2. 수집 · 이용할 항목
이름, 회사명, 이메일, 연락처

3. 보유 · 이용 기간
문의 및 상담이 종료될 때까지 이용되며, 이용이 완료된 후 폐기됩니다.

4. 동의를 거부할 권리 및 동의를 거부할 경우의 불이익
귀하는 개인정보의 수집·이용에 대한 동의를 거부할 수 있습니다. 다만, 위 개인정보의 수집·이용에 관한 동의는 서비스 문의 및 상담 등을 위하여 필수적이므로, 위 사항에 동의하셔야만 신청하실 수 있습니다.

[ 무분별한 이메일주소 무단 수집 및 메일 발송을 거부합니다. ]

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